
Aquamarine Yoga enriches your wellness journey and path of transformation on land and in the water. Integrating the wisdom of ancient India and contemporary somatics, our activities include Mysore Ashtanga Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, Restorative Yoga, Aqua Yoga and Aquatic Fitness, Dance Fitness, Dharma, and Meditation. Immerse yourself in the joy of devotional music and the nourishment of plant-based cooking. Learn to cultivate a more sustainable lifestyle with supportive community.

coming up!

memorial Day Meditation

Monday, May 27th

11:15pm-12:45pm EST

Take mindful steps towards greater well-being this Mental Health Awareness Month!

In this workshop, Sandi leads two traditional approaches to mindfulness meditation: walking and sitting. We’ll meet in Studio A at 11:15am following the 10am yoga class, and walk in noble silence around the beautiful nature trail at Potter Park. Then we’ll return to the yoga room to conclude practice with a guided sitting meditation and yoga-inspired relaxation.

Meet in Studio A at the Palmer Ranch YMCA (8301 Potter Park Dr, Sarasota, FL 34238)

If you are not yet a member of the YMCA of Southwest Florida, you can receive a free pass for this meditation event from the front desk.

Questions? Send an email.

Restraints, observances, postures, expansion of vital energy, sense withdrawal, concentration, contemplation, and meditation are the eight limbs of yoga.

- Patanjali Yoga Sutra II.29